
Zadar, 00. rujna 0000. – Povodom novonastalih vremenskih nepogoda koje su jučer poharale
čitavo područje grada Zadra, i Supernova centar je pretrpio znatne štete čija se materijalna
vrijednost još utvrđuje. U želji da u ovim teškim trenucima, u kojima je i domovima i vitalnim
javnim institucijama grada nanesena velika šteta, djelujemo solidarno s gradom i
građanima, Supernova centar će donirati sredstva ili nove aparate Općoj bolnici Zadar koja
je u poplavama pretrpjela najveće štete.


Zadar, September 00, 0000 - On the occasion of births of bad weather which yesterday devastated
the entire area of the city of Zadar, and the Supernova Center suffered considerable damage which the material
value yet determined. Wishing that in these difficult times, in which the homes and vital
public institutions of the city suffered great damage, we act in solidarity with the city and
the citizens, Supernova will donate funds or new appliances General Hospital Zadar, which
is in the flood-damaged.

(5000 karakter kaldı)

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